War Is Coming Communications.

February 19th, 2012

February 19th, 2012

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This whole thing where people are from different time lines and places is a little much to process on top of everything else so I think it's best if I don't even try right now.

When did they decide that Pluto wasn't a planet anymore?

Filtered to Conner A

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...can I ask you something, sweetheart? Because you're more likely to crack than your br

Filtered Against Baddies, Katherine, and Moriarty

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So hey, anyone else think this week's in the running for one of the weirdest weeks ever?

Hey, kiddos. I'm Needy LESNICKI. Let me know if you need anything, alright? And because I know how some of the people around here are, I'll go ahead and tell you guys, too. No, I will not score drugs or booze for you. Or porn. Including you, Briankid. I expect all these things cause you look just like Nath Dear, god, that's terrifying.

mom and dad

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There's this party coming up with a bunch of other kids, can I go?

filtered against evil, moriarty, katherine, dawn and jimmy

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Um, it looks like maybe things are under control and if so yay. But if something comes up and people need to be kept from doing bad things or need to be protected from the crazy, I can put them into bubbles. Perfectly safe bubbles that will keep the bad in or out depending on the situation needed?

filtered against evil and apparently Moriarty, Katherine, Dawn and Jimmy as well?

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I am not certain if it's public school in general or just the ones here, but they are quite strange. I know that I was out of school for four years but still. I do not grasp the social hierarchy of it at all. How is it two people can be very similar in approach, yet responded to in different ways? I just wish to be left alone

Also, it looks like I've missed something while I've been distracted with school and patrols. Is there anything of importance I should be aware of?

[Mars Rei]

You didn't meet me for school yesterday and I didn't see you there either. I haven't noticed any posts from you in regards to being sick since Wednesday and you aren't answering your door. Is everything all right?

Filtered to Neville

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Do you have anything that would help me sleep...?

Filtered to the non-psycho future people which means NO JIMMY

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All right, we need a plan of action here because I'm pretty sure not all of us come from a future where there was fighting going on. I'm not a future kid of anyone here, I was actually here during this fight before. So, that said, are all of you able to defend yourselves in case something bad happens like with that situation the other day with Ariel? If not, then I suggest going somewhere safe, the complex or finding your parents.

My name is Rei for anyone who doesn't know me. I can help people out as needed, and there's no telling how long we're going to be here for. So I just want to ensure everyone is staying safe and all.

And if anyone comes across charred bodies, that was my doing. Sorry? But they were demons and I needed to vent my anger at the Seal

Filtered to Florence

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Conner said that Clark comes back, Florence. Do you think my kids are from this reality just in the future since they're here now? I want it to be true so b

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Hi, I'm Samantha Winchester, I know we haven't met, but the injured woman I posted about a couple days ago is awake and she's been asking for you. There's a note for you that was found on her, I put it in your mailbox in the lobby. I just have to warn you, she was in pretty bad shape, and there's blood on it. I put it in a bag, and it's probably dry if you haven't gotten it already, but it might be kind of upsetting. I'm really sorry I didn't contact you earlier, or warn you about the blood if you've already seen it.

Aunt Ruby
Can I ask you something?

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[Filter against Evil, Moriarty and Katherine added a few minutes later]
[Extra filter against Moriarty family added when Jo tells her to]

Djd the lettre get to Shrelock, ti has too get hmi or Ji will coem fro me again

(OOC: Adler has been passed out in the medbay since Samantha found her and has woken up, drugged to the heavens with no letter and no idea what's happened)

Filtered against evil, Moriarty parents, Jimmy, Dawn

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That is the last time I listen to you Dick and try alcohol and loosening up

I apologize for my behavior last night. Certain people Dick Grayson have suggested I loosen up and try living life other than being my alter ego.. Attempting to learn drinking games on one's own is not adviseable. Though by some miracle I still stayed mostly coherent...


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As much as I enjoy psychoanalyzing superheroes and calling them out on being ridiculous... this is just way too much. How do you not lose your mind with all the unnecessary drama? I thought Chess drama was bad.

But even though I have to worry about the Rat King running around, I'm always around for frosted flakes or whatever? Or at least until the Seal sends us back home.


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are you leaving me too?
He's an
I'm going to hit him
nevermind, you're still drugged so

Filtered to Moira

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Your mom sa



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So, apparently there's this kid here that thinks he's royalty or something. He's having a party tonight at his 'palace' and he claims to have 'servants' and other such nonsense. I don't know if I feel bad for him or am amused by his stupidity.

Filtered against evil, Moriarty family, that Jimmy guy and Dawn

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So, as amusing as it is to see a drugged up Israeli Ninja, I should probably get off my ass and get started on this job thing.

I was told a Connor guy and some guy named Sam were the one's to go to for the ID things. If possible, I'd need them like, perfect considering I'd like to join a law enforcement agency like oh, I don't know, the FBI maybe since there's no NCIS out in a land locked state.

Jacob and Kon

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Hey kid. So, obviously, we can see this party post Joffrey put up since we are, you know, teens. We talked about it and decided three things:

1) We are not going.
HAH bet you didn't even think of that, huh?
Also because your host? Routinely hits on your mom. He asked me to come to a magic kingdom under his bed once while he was on drugs. JUST SAYING.

2) It's fine if you go, you don't need to sneak out. You seem like a responsible kid, and you can't exactly get drunk off two beers and start puking or drunk driving/flying. We also aren't telling any other parents.

3) The above ruling is conditional upon you calling us twice during the night. Once at midnight and once right before you come back to the apartment so we know everything is okay. If we don't get calls or if you're out past 2am we will show up and embarrass the shit out of you.

Filtered against evil, Katherine, Moriarty, Lucifer, Jimmy

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I've heard these things with the Seal don't usually last that long, but I've been thinking of taking a few of the classes in the complex. My parents taught me a lot in the future except I wasn't always paying attention to Latin, need to change that but it might be neat to get some of it here. It's interesting, seeing people younger.

But I need to know something. My mom told me of a store here, something to do with a.. wish? Magic Box, Magical Shop, something like that. But I heard it has lots of materials for those that practice magic. And since me and Patty are part witch, I might like to stop in there for a bit and get some stuff.

Filters; Ruby, Prue, Teens, Tessa, Patrick, Aurora, Patricia )

Filtered Against Evil (Moirarty Family and Katherine Added)+Dawn and Jimmy

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So, I never found mini-me. Should I assume he got thrown into the future or what?

So, being in the past is weird.

[Sammy (Sister)]
Wanna make a deal?

[Uncle Sam]
Hey, hadn't talked to you yet, figured I should.

I know this is the age I got into my Uncle Sam sucks phase, but I totally get passed it, if you were wondering?

Hey, are you okay?

If you need anything just let me know, okay?

So, you good now? Sober and whatever?

I think you're kinda freaking Sammy out.

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Sam and Ruby
Hi, Jo's daughter Rae, I don't know if you remember. I told Emily I'd hang out with her tonight and we could do whatever past-things she wanted (that would not end in us in jail/dead) if you guys gave the ok. I used to babysit the kid so I don't mind driving her around or something, and she seems excited.

Is this okay? What time do you need her home?

Hey, can I borrow the car? I promised Emily Winchester I'd show her around the past.

Are you going to the party tonight?

Text to Clark

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Hey. Not going to the party.

Don't get too wasted.

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Care to tell me whats going on?

We need to talk

Filtered Against Evil (Moirarty Family and Katherine Added)+Dawn and Jimmy

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I need a drink right about now

I am not old

I'm thinking I'm gonna bake tonight. What kind of pie....?

So....our son....yeah. I have no idea how to treat him.

And he told me he's going to Tokyo tonight with someone named Tessa....

So, you got plans tonight?

Filtered to Tessa

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If my mom or dad ask, we were in Tokyo seeing a Japanese horror flick that gets grabbed up by Hollywood a few years from now. There's one playing now called [insert random name here]. I don't know if it gets remade later, but it doesn't really matter.

filtered against evil and Moriarty (his kid is okay though)

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I guess my first step to prosperity here is getting an ID to exist all proper like and can get myself job. The second step is a bit harder. Not entirely sure what I want to do with myself yet. I was a police officer in Bludhaven for a while, then I worked at various gyms. Starting over really isn't the easiest thing to do.

How's the hangover?
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