War Is Coming Communications.

October 20th, 2011

October 20th, 2011

Filtered to Sam & Ruby

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I met up with Webber yesterday. I told him bare bones shit and lied a little. ...all right, a lot. Ruby...as far as he knows, you're just some married chick. I did not mention that the husband was Sam, because I had a feeling that would be bad. Sam...you came to Guthrie to meet more freaks like us, not to hunt me (or him). I'm kinda your bitch because you're Special and you're a hunter, so you keep me safe and for the most part, I fly under the radar.

He's been told that we're on Heaven's side, Yellow Eyes was a filthy liar who planned on ripping Webber and I apart anyway, that there's four Special Kids left alive, that I know of, and I didn't mention names.

Also, I told him no more using the thing unless it's to save someone and even then, it's better to fly under the radar with me and keep it to himself and definitely no more killing people. He said whatever I want because he just wants his brother. That said...we're hanging out again soon. And probably will be a lot. I'm skeeved like a motherfucker and you're on call, Ruby, because I don't think I can talk to Sam like that. I hope I can trust this plan long enough for us to figure out a more permanent fix.

...on that front, any ideas?

Filtered to Ziva

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Text to Ben

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» Hey kiddo...how's it going?
» Any news about your mom yet...?

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Oh humans. Every so often I remember why exactly I love you guys - and here I was thinking alchemy went out of fashion about the time they stopped burning witches and started calling it an Alternative Life Choice.

Consider this a friendly reminder that there's always an easier way of getting what you want.

How are th
Pup'd disagree with me but it's weird not having y

Hypothetically speaking, if I needed the big guy to look the other way for an hour or two would you be able to do something suitably stupid and attention-grabbing?

Filtered to Ruby.

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Dean needs me to go with him to check out this situation with Lisa. I'll be gone a couple days. At least until we figure out what happened.

Looks like Cas is coming, too, which will be...interesting. I really don't think he knows how to use a gun

You gonna be okay while I'm gone?

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Left for Ruby on the kitchen counter. )

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Filtered to teens 17 and under )

Filtered to Jess M. )

filtered against evil

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How am I to protect my daughters when people employ the same tactics here as the KGB?
Is it really safer here? Or are there agencies just like them?
Is Molokov behind
I will not let them
I cannot even help them now, I do not know what to

Is the sudden influx of everything involving pumpkins tied into Halloween? Also, why are there stores already set up for Christmas? It is not for months.

[Law Enforcement types]
I received an envelope but I do not know where from
My daughters are being threatened and I am unable to
Can you even

Я не знаю, что делать
Мы бессильны что-либо сделать, разве ты не видишь этого?
Ты мне нужен

[I don't know what to do
We're powerless to do anything, don't you see that?
I need you]

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Left in Allana's room on her bed. )

Filtered from Evil

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I got my hair cut! A change feels kind of good.

So, I'm babysitting for a couple of days, just wanted to give you a heads up about that. Have you met Asher, he's Michael's brother? Michael is the kid that works in the medbay with us doing filing and things.

Filtered from evil

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Party! 30th! If you don't show up you're lame. Unless you have a good excuse. I'll accept some excuses.

Bring the kids in the afternoon, bring yourselves after Dark. Costumes are a must. No superheroes you can't go as yourselves. Too easy. Yes Dean you can be Batman.

Questions, comments, declarations of adoration toward me?

Filtered against evil and away from Winchesters

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So, I've gone into Need-Something-To-Do overdrive, at this point. I've packed, unpacked, and repacked the hospital bag three times today alone. ...there might also be one at my own place, just in case. I might have also done the same to it. I've been down to my place, made a grocery list, went shopping, cleaned, did laundry, took the best, longest bubble bath of all time, and then, because I still couldn't sit still...I rearranged my books alphabetically by genre, author, and title. When I didn't like it, I re-did it alphabetically by author, bigger bindings to smaller ones. Then I passed out for five hours and it was glorious. ...this can't be normal. I'm getting some serious cabin fever right around now.

Private notes to Clark, Martha, Jo, Florence, and Allana )

Oh, and also...I have intel that my boys will be embarrassed of me by the time they're ten. Good times.

Filtered from Evil

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Has anyone heard from Roxanne Weasley lately? She's been awfully quiet and I haven't seen her at all? It's starting to worry me.

[Weasley Family Filter]
How much of our lot is still here?

I may require girl talk with you because my cousins seem to be getting pulled back home.

Something sort of...exciting happened.

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My husband is adorable. And never fails to take my breath away when he decides to be gentlemanly.

Which has no bearing on your lives except that I consider it a public service announcement.

Carry on.

Filtered to Ben.

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Hey. How you holding up?
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