War Is Coming Communications.

December 20th, 2010

December 20th, 2010

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This wish stuff is bothering me a little. I want to be optimistic, but it could be bad.

I thought about wishing for something ridiculous like the x-jet, but what if it happens? I also thought about wishing for some heels, but Mike nixed that idea. He must really like feeling tall.

I mean, I want to use the wish and not waste it, but...I don't know!

Filtered to Dick

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So, I'm considering wishing for money. Not because I could go for a pair of Jimmy Choos even though, okay, that would happen, too, but because I know how much Bruce having that much money to fund everything with helped the whole Bat brigade back home.

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I suppose I am grudgingly in Jennifer Check's debt for aiding me and providing me with the basic knowledge of where I am and how I got here.

Greetings, I am Kael'thas Sunstrider, fire mage and leader of the Blood Elves. I am certainly not from here, as you do not have the races nor magic that I wield in this realm. I must say, so far the interaction has been..disappointing. So far I have only seen humans.

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So, I used my wish. I didn't wish for candy like dad!

I wished for a cauldron filled with all of the best books on potions and a nice pile of ingredients. I think this was wicked! I'm happy with what I've got. I'll have these books to pour over.

filtered against baddies.

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So I'm not using my wish to be alive again. I can't really exp

So I need to get out of town for a couple days. Nothing personal, just need a little me time.

I'll be back before Christmas! No way I'm going to miss that.

[Filtered to Bonnie]
I'm sorry

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Hay smallville. I used my wish. Youl probly like what I got.

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