War Is Coming Communications.

December 1st, 2010

December 1st, 2010

Filtered to Harry

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I'm glad that you're safe but that was very foolish of you

Is there anything you need brought to you?

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This is very strange.

I don't remember this at all. Is this another Luna?

...I didn't think I liked him really. He was always very arrogant. But sad too. Does anyone else think this is strange?

This was somewhat unexpected to find )

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Trying to do research on something that's new and useful on the Devil on the internet is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Except that haystack is really, really big. And comes with a lot of irritating pop-ups. If I get one more hit from bustyasianbeauties.com, I swear to God. The last thing I need is for Ruby to come walking in, thinking I'm looking at

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Some nights, I couldn't ask for a better setup. "Got a light?" he says. The child abusing scumbag asks me if I got a light.

So I gave him one.

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I don't know if anyone here has heard or knows anything about potions, but back home I was studying heavily in potions. I happen to still be able to brew them. Thank god for having my potions book in my bag. Pepper-up potions, some other various healing potions, and the like. If anyone needs them at any point I'd be happy to brew them if you provide money for the ingredients and a bit for time. I still need to get a job...since I can't go back to Hogwarts.

[Filtered to Jacen]
I just wanted to thank you. I don't think I did it quite properly when everything went down.

So, thank you for saving me from that demon. I should have been paying more attention. It's no wonder my mum was so worried and everything.

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After Luna showed me that video my curiousity got the better of me and I came to the conclusion that the majority of Harry Potter fans are disturbing.

filtered against party-pooping evil

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Happy first night of Hanukkah everyone! Am I the only Jewish-type person? I might be. I often am. But that's okay! I can be Hanukkah-y enough for everyone.

Sunnydale people
Since my parents are back in non-crazy-seal land they can't lecture me about how presents are not part of Hanukkah (or how I should actually be spelling it Chanukah)and, you know, the slow yet inexorable assimilation of the Jewish religion into Christianity and consumerism, I can get presents for people this year! I know families who give them all different nights and I haven't decided which I want to do but, there will be presents! Surprise presents! At some point! I might not have shopped very well for people I don't know as well as I apparently will in the future but I tried!

Sorry. I get sort of...exclamatory...around holidays.

Filtered Against Baddies

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Hey, guys! It's December!

Know what that means? The peak of the holiday season! Notice I said "holiday" and not Christmas and stuff. Know why I said that?

It's time for Secret Santa! I think we totally need to do it. We did it about seven months ago last Christm holiday season and it was a lot of fun. And it's all inclusive! It doesn't matter what religion you are, the getting and receiving of gifts is always fun!

So it's time to sign up! If you get someone you don't know that's fine! Ask around, talk to their friends or, if you're good at it, figure out how to get info out of them about what they like!


Comment here if you want to participate!

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Right then. Who missed me?

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Truth or dare.

EDIT: Anyone can ask questions/dare people! I don't want to be the only one doing it. I'm awesome, but I'm only one person!

Filtered to Damien and Leo

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Phoebe's gone...her room's empty. I think she went back home... Now I'm the only one here. It doesn't feel right without my sisters

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Alright, good little boys and girls of Lawrence,

What's on your Christmas list? And by Christmas I of course mean 'whatever holiday you celebrate come wintertime'.
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