War Is Coming Communications.

October 18th, 2010

October 18th, 2010

Filtered to Adam

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Grow up Hermione. Just say it.  I'm sorry about the other night.

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I just realized that today is the day I was supposed to start filming my guest spot on Cherub, the Wendy spin-off series, sort of a cross-promotional tactic to get ratings back up. But I don't know. Sort of silly to think about it now, yes I'm ignoring thw weirdness that just happend! given that the odds of it getting back home are so slim. But this week it was Cherub then next month we'd start production for the next season of Wendy... or so we all think. TJ included. Supposedly Wendy was supposed to be cancelled. Not enough werewolves in Santa Cruz to keep up ratings. Sort of changes things when you actually meet a werewolf in the middle of shooting, you know?

But the weird thing was that Frank (my agent) said something - literally the DAY before I got here, about them wanting me to switch shows... Something about Joe wanting to put the best foot first and Cherub needing SOMEONE from Santa Cruz to keep his head on straight in the new town as he's trying to get over Wendy? I don't know...

All I know is that the scripts for next month didn't say anything about a character write out. Not that it really matters now. I guess that there will be an open spot at the "PI's office" without the bisexual arching love interest of the best friend jumping shows... I mean I'm not there anymore. You think that someone would have noticed by now. Its been months. Probably recast the part or killed Luella off. Probably with some crazy consequences for Sherry. That's what happens when you get a magic user pissed, right? Bad things happen? Gotta love TV magic.

Sort of funny what comes up in the course of a day... isn't it?

...there um... aren't any werewolves here, right? Because the last time we ran into them we nair-bombed them. Long story involving the Olympics, the Republic of Zandia (which is a nation of all supervillans) and a few other things...

Hey. Um... I was wondering. You're good with knives, right?

(ooc: Wendy the Werewolf Stalker is the DC universe's version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Yes I am being captain obvious! ;))

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One thing I miss about home is that I knew everyone and everyone knew each other. I lived in a fairly small town and new people didn't stay strangers for long. I didn't always like being social, but it was comforting knowing who my neighbours were.

I thought it might be nice if we got to know each other. So.

If you were deserted on an island, what three things would you want to bring with you? What two people would you want to bring with you? And what one food would you want an unlimited supplies of?

I guess for me I'd want to bring The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, a giant bottle of sunblock, and my dad's hunting knife. I'd bring my friends Alice and Angela and I'd want an unlimited supply of Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate.

to Booth

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Good news! It looks like Eliot isn't going to kill you!

How are you feeling today?

filtered to goodies

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So it seems some people might want something a bit different than the complex to live in. If that's the case, then you're more than welcome to come stay at my home. It's rather large and I'm working on cleaning it up, which isn't that hard. Just lost of dusting and vaccuming. It is considered abandoned and vacant, which works to my benefit. So there's low risk of anyone buying it up as it's already been left here for nearly 30 years. It was haunted before, hence why it was never able to sell, with people getting hurt and what not from the ghost who is now gone and everything has been salted and wards put up. So if anyone wants to, they're more than welcome to join me here. It's on the outskirts of Lawerence on an old road secluding it back from everyone else as well as having a cemetary back behind it a ways. If you want to take a looksy, here it is. Just let me know if you're moving in, but you're more than welcome to.

Jack's house )

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Good news is, I feel like moving around more and more. Bad news? I think I might die of boredom.

I owe you one. Also, you got my gun and cell? I can't find them.

listen, about Parker, it was

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you being quiet makes me nervous, Steph

Lots of clean up in the city. But it seems people are starting to go back to their routines. Less robberies each night I've been out. It actually reminded me of the Gotham Riots for a while there, so normal is good.

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Romana, I seem to recall seeing the other day that you stated you liked someone. Do I happen to know him?

[OOC: This is totally not filtered so that EVERYONE can read it. :D]

Filtered against baddies.

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Have you guys noticed how some people have duplicates? Like Damon and that Jason guy?

Dean's got one. Again.

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Ready to leave this 'verse, any time now ain't no better then being trappedleast with all the reavers and alliance we were still flyin. Don't much care for the dirt. Rather deal with space monkeys. Evil space monkeys.

[edited and added later filter to serenity crew]
Long as we're stuck on this rock might well get us some supplies.

Filtered Against Baddies

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There are pies in the community kitchen for anyone that wants a piece! Two apple pies, two cherry pies, and two pecan pies.
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