War Is Coming Communications.

October 4th, 2010

October 4th, 2010

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Who would have thought, I just got a job as a singer at a cafe. . . Surprising it while I was digging in their dumpster and the manager heard me singing while I did that and offered me the job so long as I stopped digging in his dumpster. . .

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I got a present! Santa? Does Santa come to Lawrence? It's the end of the world, so I wouldn't blame him for skipping...

filtered against baddies

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I decided on a place finally for my break. I'm going back to Philly. I was born there. It's been a long time since I've gone back. I'll be taking a flight out tomorrow morning and will be back on Sunday night. I'll have my cell and laptop with me, be safe. try not to burn down the place wh

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Does anyone have any tools I could borrow or know where I can get a set?

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Left for Hermione on her door knob. )
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