War Is Coming Communications.

August 22nd, 2010

August 22nd, 2010

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Does anyone actually know the lyrics to Happy Days beyond the first like three lines? Monday, Tuesday, Happy Days, na na na na Happy Days. Something Something Happy Days.

Filtered against baddies

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Youtube is horrible.

I've been finally able to get some sleep the last couple days here. Thanks.

So Ruby's going to lift the curse or hex or whatever mojo she put on your place soon. I talked to Sam.

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Funny story. I actually stole someone else's phone when I was drunk the other night. So much for the prevention thing by keeping myself away from my laptop/phone when I go near the alcohol. Sorry, guys.

Filtered to Jo. )

Filtered to Ruby. )

Filtered to hunter types/those with knowledge on this worlds supernatural.

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Holy water wouldn't be an effective tactic against hellhounds, would it?

Filtered to Eliot

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Do you want to go to dinner

Would you like to go out with me

So I've got this thing tomorrow night and

Hey. I'm tagging along with Sam and Ruby to make sure the kids play nice tomorrow night, and they're buying dinner. Could use some company so I don't have to sit there and watch the tortured looks.
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