War Is Coming Communications.

July 31st, 2010

July 31st, 2010

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Right, no one was saying this so I will.

We need to regroup, we need to work out what we have by way of ability to fight back. How that might be done. We need to get to know the newcomers and what they can do. We need to make sure they know what they're facing just by being pulled here. From what I'm told Lilith is gone but Lucifer himself, the biblical one. Is alive and walking around.

I would very much like a stratagy, or even organisation. We can do this. We have before.

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I'm gonna be taking a break from hunting for a little while to deal with my addiction. While I'm doing that, I'm going to try and research Lucifer. See what I can dig up. The difficult part'll be sorting through what's real and what's bullshit; though I'm guessing there's probably not anything out there that specifically declares how to take the Devil himself down. Outside of raw religious belief and faith in God, not exactly any form of kryptonite that I'm aware of that'll do the

If I find anything, I'll let you all know. I think at this point it'll be a good idea to keep everyone on the same page.

What's the word on "Jess?"

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I haven't heard from Hermione or James in a long while. Stopped by to check up on them, but...

You don't reckon Lucifer got to them, d'you?

...no. No, of course not. They're home. They've got to be safe at home.
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