War Is Coming Communications.

July 23rd, 2010

July 23rd, 2010

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I'm sensing tension in the air.

Worry. And y'know what:? I feel unloved. Even my new redhead isn't behaving nicely.

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You're all so cagey. Scurrying like rats. I think I miss the old days

Stole my chef. Stupid Sam

[Filtered to Demons]

We did it!!

65!!!!! And Sammy's so close. Little Meg promised. Tomorrowtomorrowtomorrowtomorrow.

Be ready to fight.

Will it hurt to die. I don't know

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Text to Ellen Harvelle (even though she’s not in the game) )

Text to Dean )

Text to Sam )

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Voicemail left for Dean. )

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You know what's prettier than lightning?


complex +offsite filter +against bad guys.

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looks like this is You guys hear that? I'm not taking over I just don't want to be fried alive thanks I think now is a good time to get moving. On complex heads okay we need to get team leaders mobilizing their teams and getting ready to roll out. Do we have a plan for lightning? Can anyone of you deflect it or whatever? We had one but apparently he's out.

[ooc: just after the lightning]

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She threw a SHOE at me.

Filtered to Demons

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All of you. Fight them, stop them. Keep them the hell away from stopping me

We're so close now, so close.

[ooc: Backdated before the log, cause I swore it had posted when it hadn't lol]
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