War Is Coming Communications.

April 11th, 2010

April 11th, 2010

Filtered Against Evil Intentioned.

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What exactly is fanfiction? Aside from the obvious. I don't know how I feel about having "fans"

Complex filter

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No kid should ever have to see that stuff
Doomsday used to maim bodies, but this is just messed up
Actually, I didn't want to know about what those school kids saw either

Hey, you know, those classes are interesting. Learn something new everyday. Especially in combat. And that scenario thing we did.. won't forget that either. Big workout. Don't care what anyone says, I don't always get knocked on my ass

Also, has anyone seen Chloe? I heard she was at the camps, but.. haven't read anything recent from her lately. I hope her dog is alright.. I heard we have quite a few of them in the apartment. I think Oliver was at camp too. Thinking about getting him a surprise if me and some others can work on getting it together. Maybe some Aquaman comics, or I wonder if Bart knows where I can get some orange shirts

[Filtered to teen heroes in the apartments]
I wonder if there's a way to have training sessions for ourselves on the side. You know, like.. using our powers and stuff, experimenting with abilities, maybe see what else we can do with them. Or maybe make them even better for the next time there's a fight. I got a special stopwatch too, maybe I can put it to good use sometime.

Filtered to the teenagers

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So I heard about this holiday bazaar thing on Thursday...anyone want to go? Here's the details: http://www.kansascityevents.org/lawrence-ks-events/lawrence-annual-holiday-bazaar

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Interesting lessons at this camp. As a cop and unofficial work for the League back home, we know about aliases and code words. But this was good too. It's refreshing. And I understand that today's course will be about tracking and research.

I really look forward to that. Tracking is definitely one of the few things I have excelled at in my life. Especially with hunting down galactic criminals And hopefully this will give me the tools I need to succeed more in my field.

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Okay, so I don’t really know what happened here, but I’m in the library, in someplace called Lawrence, which is in Kansas, and this really isn’t where I was when I woke up this morning, completely different state even, and you guys really suck at encryption, just so you know, anybody walking in off the street can find this forum, but I guess that’s a good thing or I wouldn’t have been able to find it.

So, I guess this is me asking for help. Can someone tell me what's going on?

Filtered Against Baddies

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So who all is sick here? Because I just finished making a big pot of chicken soup (home made, thank you) for everyone that isn't feeling good.

Filtered to Buffy

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I still don't fully trust any of y I need to ask I'm sorry, for making an ass of myself the other night. I get like that sometimes. Understatement, thy name is me. I was content to find my own living space, given the pretty horrible first impression I made, but...things have changed, and I'd like to know if you have any problem with me and someone else coming to live there. Anything you feel you need me to disclose, I will. Even though I won't like it. This still feels too much like the Lazarus Gro

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On the outskirts of town, a man was devoured. Only his bones and clothes remain. No skin, no muscle, no internal organs, no evidence except the bones and clothes. Sometime around sunset, someone finds the bones and calls the police. However the perpetrator is long gone.

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(ooc: Yes, it's blank. Dru senses something and is happy!)
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