War Is Coming Communications.

March 16th, 2010

March 16th, 2010

Filtered to Martha Jones

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So... about that drink...

Text to Dawn.

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Training room. One hour.

filtered against baddies

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Alright..I feel like a total idiot. I've been accused of being more than a little hard headed at times, and looking back on the things I said apparently it's true. I've been going about this whole alternate universe thing all wrong. Completely lost my cool with all the age restrictions. It's not something I've had to deal with to much back home. But I'm starting to get it. This isn't home. It's a completely different playing field. The enemies are different. The reasons for it I'm starting to understand. I still don't like it, but I understand..these things are/were once humans. Look like humans. At least human shells.. I can't kill them, won't..I never want to cross that line.

[Winchesters, Bobby]
I may have been out of line with you guys. Alot. I'm sorting through things, working on it...and I'm sorry.

Filtered against baddies.

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Well, I appreciate being given a free room for a while, it's time for me to move on. I'll still be in town though, so if any one needs to, they can still get in touch with me through this. Not that I can think of a reason for anyone to want to get in touch with me.

Filtered to Robin

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If I'm not mistaken...your birthday passed us by.
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