War Is Coming Communications.

February 20th, 2010

February 20th, 2010

Filtered to Ruby

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Ruby )

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Hey, Chloe. I thought you might find this interesting:

Smallville Torch!

Actually, this is pretty interesting too.

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So you may ask, what started here? What can we Smallvillians claim other than meteorites as our own? What do we have that can overcome skepticism like those other trends? I'll tell you. We have The Bizarre. We are the petri dish for the extraterrestrial and the terrestrial. And only time will tell what great things may come from this. Something is starting here, something that soon the whole world will know about.

Mark these words: One day you will say, it all started here.

Who knew I would be right in an article about Sushi? But to be honest I wasn't thinking Clark was what Smallville would claim.

No I'm not still reading old Torch articles! Do you think my Daily Planet column from High School is online too?

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Now that I have a clearer idea of the past situation. I'm sorry. I take this time to apologize to everyone that I insulted and hurt. I'm willing to do whatever I can to make up for it. Red kryptonite.. it does things. Makes things worse. It can ruin lives, destroy friendships if we let it. But now that it's gone, maybe we can heal move into better things. Help people. I'm thinking abut leaving the force, probably getting into a private investigation practice. That way I can keep my own hours and come assist when needed.

Not that there is anything wrong with having some drinks. I suppose it's fine if the drinker is legal and if it doesn't interfere with anything.. like work. Ohh, and I found a bunch of Oreos in the kitchen. Didn't see a name tagged on it like some things usually are at the cop or fire station, so I assume it's for anybody. Lots of others beside Oreo in a bag, but.. we all know how Oreos is my second love. Not sure who got them yet, but it's food. Sort of, more of a snack type deal. They never had this type of thing on Mars. And.. I understand that they also use cookies in ice cream here.

Filters to Oliver, Clark, and the boys )

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[Filtered to Oliver]
I think I might stay over at Richies tonight.

Can I stay with you?

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Chloe made me get this dog.

She is the greatest dog that has ever lived and I'm not exaggerating at all. She is by far ten times smarter than Chloe's dog. I mean, she already knows three tricks and it's only been a day. So far she's only gone to the bathroom inside two times. That's a genius.

Tim, you should come see her. I'll let you take her outside.


Filtered to Phoebe and Paige

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I can not believe I'm going to ask this Kara owes me cookies. And Needy too. And every female in this stu

Soooo. I don't know if the two of you remember that conversation. We of the double x-chromosomes had a conversation actually it was a squee fest when Queen showed up. And I was wondering, if after Kara's birthday. Evening of the twenty-second, day of the twenty-third. Whichever works for you. Well, I was wondering if you would be willing to work your magic and mess with the heater. For a bit.

I understand if you can't and we can just pretend I never asked either of you this.

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I think my boss is possessed by a demon. ...this could get annoying fast.

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[ooc-i'm drun[k]



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I'm going to sm
She's ins
I'm not dealing with her shit

I need to hit something.

Kendra, up for some training?

I hate he
So what are y
About what you sa

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