War Is Coming Communications.

February 3rd, 2010

War Is Coming Communications.


February 3rd, 2010

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whereami i dont...this isn't the holy land

hello...can someone tell me what is going on?

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h..hello? am i using this...box right? i need to get back to camelot.

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Where to now?

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There's no Guinness world record for the longest time a pancake has stuck to the ceiling. That's a little disappointing.

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Alright, I'm sure that I'm going to learn plenty about the bad guys and things over the next little while. But what I really feel like I need right now is an update on how much things have changed since 1995. Not really caring about politics and such since that's always hellish. But what do I need to know as a sixteen-year-old girl? I mean I can't believe the differences with computers (whoever developed this wifi thing needs a hug) and cell phones are really different too. Is cash the same here as in my version of reality? And if so, can someone please tell me where to get a new phone and one of these nice laptops? I was supposed to do a bank drop for my parents on my way to Nicky's house so I have quite a bit of cash on me right now.
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