War Is Coming Communications.

January 22nd, 2010

January 22nd, 2010

Filter: Apartment Complex

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Anyone up for some sparring or something?

Oh. Or. Who wants to go out of town for a couple days? And, you know. Has the means of doing so. Without me having to carry you.

Edit: Alright guys. Going to Tokyo. Leaving in like... 20 minutes. Anyone that wants to come, meet me, Paige, and Andrea in the lobby then.

Hey, just so you know? I'm going out of town. Like. To Tokyo. Let me know if you want to come or something, but that's why I'm disappearing now.

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I'm officially on comic withdrawl. Claire, do you like comics? I just realized I've still got some of my allowance left and am in severe need of a run. Theres three shops in town, and I still haven't even seen the town yet. Not in daylight anyway.

Seperate Texts Bobby and Buffy

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Ruby is evil. No really. Sam's probably going to kill her when she tells him. Let her tell him. Just tell everyone else. Don't call me. Don't text me. Don't bother me. Tonight ... or tomorrow. I'm fucking tired

[Filtered; Apartment Complex]

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Lying bitch
Called it
I don't even know what happened.

Passing a message on from Dean: Ruby is evil. No really. Sam's probably going to kill her when she tells him. Let her tell him. Just tell everyone else.

Obviously I can't order you to do anything but it would be great if everyone avoided local demons in general just for a bit until this is figured out.

I need a

Text to Sam

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Where the hell are you?

text to Dean

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You okay?

Phone Call to Ruby's Cell

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After viewing this, Andrea goes out, buys a phone card. Once bought, immediately dials Ruby's number. Waiting patiently for it to be answered.

Phone Call to Sam

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Drumming her fingers impatiently against a table. Andrea called Ruby a few more times and when she still didn't receive a response, she finally decided to call Sam.

"Come on, Sam. Please pick up."

Filtered to Jo

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I'm sick and tried of all this dramatic crap. Any chance you'd be willing to take me along when you go hunting next?

[Filtered to Andrew]
I'm heading off with Jo tomorrow to go hunting for a bit, see what I can learn from her. I get to be a Fed.

I'll have my cell if you need me for anything.

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Attention Magic Users.

Anyone out there think they can charm brooms that would work for muggles? Because with the magic from home, I don't think it will be possible.
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