War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


March 31st, 2013

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Who: Beth Turner and Mick St. John
What: Meeting to discuss all that Mick has to look forward to in his future.
When: Backdated slightly to after their communications on the boards, late afternoon.
Where: Mick’s apartment
Warnings: None, really, but if any reasons for warnings pop up I’ll edit this right quick.
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February 28th, 2013

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Who: Elena Gilbert and Mick St. John
What: Elena's been lax in collecting vampires. So why not find out the vampire trying to keep it a secret?
When: Late night, 28 February 2013
Where: Medbay
Warnings: Shouldn't be any? TBD
Status: Thread | Incomplete

But I don't want to go to sleep, in all my dreams I drown )

February 17th, 2013

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Who: Mick St. John (stand alone)
What: Mick comes to town against his will.
Where: Downtown Lawrence
When: Tonight
Rating: Mild, so far

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