War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


March 7th, 2011

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Who: Kitty and Hardison
WHEN: After Kitty talked to him on the boards; she's got to check on her friend.
WHERE: Hospickle.
WHAT: Checking on Hardison, who is drugged up.
STATUS: Complete

Oh Hardison. )

February 14th, 2011

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Who: Alec Hardison (Open to Eliot Spencer's Reaction!)
When: February 14, 2011
Where: Lawrence, Kansas: Leverage HQ
What: Hardison has something he wants to ask Eliot.
Rating: G


January 13th, 2011

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Who: Alec Hardison & Ava Wilson
When: January 13, 2011
Where: Lawrence, Kansas: Supermarket
What: Hardison goes grocery shopping and runs into Ava. Death is nearly avoided.
Ratings: PG-13

Except he couldn't hide out in her office without Orange Crush and he was avoiding the kitchen because a tiny brunette girl was pacing it with a very large, very scary knife. )

January 8th, 2011

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Who: Parker and Hardison
Where: Lawrence, Kansas, wherever Hardison was working on his job.
When: Saturday afternoon, 1/8/11
What: Parker is lost and wants to be taken to his dad.
Rating: TBD
Status: In-progress

I'm lost. )

October 21st, 2010

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Who: Alec Hardison, Parker, & Eliot Spencer.
When: May 20, 2010
Where: Lawrence, Kansas: Apartment Complex
What: Hardison is convinced the town is full of crazy people and Parker and Eliot are there to be the voice of reason. Yes, it's opposite day.
Rating: PG

And instead of answers, he just had more questions. )

October 20th, 2010

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Who: Alec Hardison
When: May 20, 2010
Where: Lawrence, Kansas: Cornfield
What: Alec is on his way to a job in France, when he ends up in Kansas instead.
Rating: PG-13

He knew he could find Sophie and Eliot, to commiserate about how Nate broke them and turned them into good guys. )
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