Who: Scorpius Malfoy and Regina Mills When: Morning Where: Casa de Hathaway [aka Rose's Cabin] What: Talking, hanging out Rating: Low Status: In progress
Scorpius Malfoy had enjoyed the party. He had needed his spirits lifted after he'd seen the damage done to the other House of Sass he was recently living in. His mind was occasionally plagued with thoughts of what could have happened for the younger ones during the quake, had they not been removed from the home in time. He knew they were safe. But he still felt it was a close call. It was an interesting feeling to care for another. For those he might consider family or at least close friends. And he realized he would do anything to keep them all safe. Well.. anything but the Unforgivables. He may be a very skilled wizard, but there were some paths he would never resort to. That path represented a dark chapter in his family's past. Or, more like a book. One which he and his parents decided to never go back to. The costs of such things had been too much. No, there would have to be other ways to succeed.
He had been awake now in the late morning, having gotten dressed and walked outside. He liked the lake area close to the cabin. The cabin itself was so different than what he knew before. He had lived in a mansion back home. And here, mostly normal homes. But the cabin felt natural, earthy, and like another home, and quiet too. So as he walked outside, absently swishing his wand as he walked by the water. He spoke under his breath and color came from the wand. He moved it in the air, causing a trail of colors to follow. He spoke again and a colorful outline of a gazelle came out from the magical stick and appeared to gallop across the lake, and eventually dissipate into the air. He shot out some more magic, going in a circular motion with the wrist, and a luminous flower of various colors - blue, red, purple, green - started small and bloomed outward, finishing in a quiet little boom. He smiled at that. Simple magic for his level of education but still fun to perform nonetheless. But he had been so caught up in it himself that he had yet to notice that he wasn't the only one outdoors.