WHO: Phil Coulson & Grant Ward WHAT: Civility was promised. Civility will be had. And proper conversations are better when you can see the other person. WHEN: The day after this; Noon WHERE: A Park RATING: TBA
Coulson honestly wasn't sure how to feel anymore. His own feelings were confused by the various protests he'd encountered, the perspectives and opinions of people he actually cared about and respected overlaying themselves over his skepticism, and the new information that he was still working on incorporating into his understanding of the situation. The fact was, even with all of that, Phil didn't feel any less hurt, any less angry, than he had before he'd arrived. He understood better, perhaps, an issue that had been bugging him for months at least somewhat resolved, but it was still going to be a struggle to figure out which emotion to act on and how to cope with the various conflicts arising in him.
But he's promised Natasha civility and no matter what else occurred, that much he figured he could manage without too much strain.
The small pistol that he'd come in with had been left behind, the first trust in what was bound to be a long road, and as Phil settled himself on the bench that he'd been directed to in order to wait, he tried to ignore the anxiety that was building in him. Speaking with Ward had been easier, simpler, with the gulf imposed by technology there as a buffer. All Coulson could hope for now was that seeing the man's face wouldn't provoke an impulsive urge to punch him in the face.