WHO: Serena and Peter Parker WHAT: Diffusing awkward with ice cream WHEN: Wedesnday afternoon WHERE: Sidewalk & ice cream parlor RATING: Low
It had been about an hour since Serena had wound up in Kansas. So many questions swam through her head, but it all really seemed to boil down to this: there was evil in this podunk little place called Kansas. Big, apocalyptic evil, and people were brought here to fight it. Of course Sailor Moon would be here. Was she chosen because she wasn't doing anything with her life, and her friends were? Was this a test for her? These were the questions that the other people here wouldn't be able to answer. Time would tell, Serena supposed. She hated waiting.
At least people here seemed nice, Serena mused to herself as she sat down on the sidewalk. She had come to Kansas in a casual outfit, only missing relocation in her bathrobe by a few minutes. Thankfully, she wouldn't have to walk around the town being embarrassed by what she was wearing. Serena had her eyes on the ground, watching her feet tap out a casual rhythm as she waited for some guy named Peter to come find her. He said she had looked like someone he knew. A close friend named Gwen. That was odd. Serena hadn't really ever looked like anyone before. Well, except maybe that one time where Mina had pretended to be Sailor Moon. Thinking about it made Serena reach into her pocket and feel the reassuring weight of her Crisis Compact. It was the only strength she had here, all by herself. Even so, it was a strength that had never failed her yet.
After a while, Serena finally dragged her eyes off the cement to look around. She drew her knees up, hugging her arms around them while leaning her face into her legs. Once again, the questions came. How long was she going to be here? What kind of evil were they fighting? The idea that the bad guys were living her amongst them unsettled her. She was used to monsters being monsters and evil that existed out on the fringe, not mixed in with the rest of everyone. Would she have to adopt the idea that any new person she met could be a possible enemy? That thought unsettled her. She was used to being so jovial, so kind and trusting to everyone she met.
Shaking her head, Serena tried to banish those awful thoughts and questions from her mind. It was too much, and all too depressing to allow herself to be overwhelmed. She reached up and felt her locket danging around her neck like a talisman of comfort. The chain slipped around her head and Serena held the cool metal in her hands, gently opening it. As the music played, that familiar tune, her thoughts turned back to Darien and the girls. They would want her to be strong, to do whatever she could to help these people and defeat the enemy. She felt her lip quiver a little as a sniffle came out with her next exhalation. She missed them all so much.