Regina listened as Belle spoke confusion settling in. There were so many questions that she wanted to ask but she could tell how worried the girl was. Years of seeing it manifested in others allowed for her to pick on the small clues. It wasn't just the kind of weird one felt when approaching a stranger. No, this was something much different. Since she had mentioned her name she wondered if the girl knew who she was. The continued worried behavior being emitted from the girl all but answered that speculation for her. If in fact she did know that she was the Evil Queen than it was possible that there were people from her world residing in Lawrence.
"I see, dear. It is quite a troubling situation." Regina said keep her eye trained on the girl in front of her. Up until this point she had been helpful in describing the situation that she knew found herself in. But, Regina had reached her breaking point. For her it had only been mere hours ago that Henry had died in the hospital only to be awoken by True Loves Kiss. A kiss that had broken her spell and then magic returned. If she was to be stuck here she needed to find someplace to stay. Though she could hold her own in a fight she was essentially powerless against people. "I think we both know that you know who I am. The question is what do you plan to do with me?"