Chuck Shurley: that beardy dude with the laptop. (capriciousgod) wrote in wariscoming, @ 2012-06-02 01:15:00 |
Entry tags: | andy gallagher, chuck shurley |
Who? Chuck & Andy (+ background!Wolf!Anna)
What? Captivity blues~ (unfortunately without actual blues)
Where? A basement! (somewhere outside Lawrence~)
When? Who knows? Tonightish? Tomorrowish? (time is complicated when you're stuck in a basement for days)
Why? Because (of reasons)
Status? Incomplete (in progress!)
Chuck wanted to go home. He’d started to lose track of how long he’d been here - at least, the first part of it had been confusing and blurry, between the tail end of the visions, the couple drinks he’d had before he’d been taken, and the painkillers he’d thankfully had on him when he’d gotten shoved in a basement (dry-swallowing them was kind of obnoxious, yes, but at least it was something), things had kind of been a little vague. He knew it had been days. He knew he felt like crap. He knew there was a wolf in a cage in here, and he knew Andy had been brought in.... yesterday? Two days ago? Time was too hard to follow; it didn’t really even matter down here.
Out there, it did. He knew Jo probably knew how long it had been. Jo probably knew how many hours it had been, keeping track because she was probably panicking - if she was still alive, or un-kidnapped, what if - and looking for him, he reminded himself. His extremely badass wife was totally out there looking for him. He was going to be fine. Yep.
Plus, wouldn’t the angels have stepped in, if he were in serious danger? At least, that’s how he understood this whole Archangel on my shoulder thing to work - which meant he really was going to be okay. It was just, you know, he wasn’t exactly okay right now. He missed Jo. He missed the girls. He missed being somewhere well-lit and he missed his bed and food and proper plumbing and feeling safe. He’d been fighting down panic since he’d suddenly found himself not alone anymore (before then, yeah, he’d let himself freak out, shut down in a corner and had to fight not to hyper-ventilate and pass out because suddenly it felt like his lungs weren’t getting air, they were taking in fear itself which was stupid-dramatic to even think, but that’s what it was like), trying to pretend like this wasn’t even more terrifying than the last time he’d found himself kidnapped...
....aaaand now he was thinking about that time, and this time, and, okay, nope, he was never leaving the Roadhouse again, once he got out of here. If he got out of here. What if the angels didn’t care what happened to him anymore, and that was why they hadn’t stepped in - not because he was safe? What if Jo never found him - or found him too late? How long did it take for people to die of starvation or dehydration? He couldn’t remember, he knew he used to know (research, writers know all kinds of irrelevant information until it becomes relevant and then it’s gone, of course it is, because that’s just his luck), and somehow the building panic apparently had cut the filter between his brain and his mouth, because there were words tumbling out of his mouth before he even had time to decide not to ask stupid pointless morbid questions.
“How long do you think it'll be before we just shrivel up and die down here?”