His own comments had become increasingly more worried and nervous the more they looked without any real success. In the back of his mind he knew the likelihood that Clark was still in Kansas was low but he didn't want to admit it. Admitting that meant he was alone. Logically he knew he had Allana, but really she could be gone tomorrow too. His brows furrowed as he folded his arms uncomfortably to keep from wearing a hole in his sleeves with all his nervous movements.
"I should. That would probably be the only place I haven't really looked. How can I say I looked everywhere if I didn't really look everywhere." He was tense and looked down rubbing at the back of his neck and watching as Allana came toward him. He could manage a small smile, but behind it was worry. Clark was one of the few who regardless of his own feelings on whatever stupid thing Kon had done that week had stuck up for him if someone else decided he was wrong or tried to pick an argument with him. Clark had been there through everything right next to Allana. His leaving was something he didn't quite know how to react to.
He felt things, but most of them were saying worry. Don't stop. Everyone could be gone tomorrow. You'd be left here. It was irrational, but he couldn't make the little obnoxious worry voice stop. He sank down beside Allana and just sat there looking down at the floor. "I can't do it. I can't look." He watched Krypto instead who was easily distracted with Allana's attention since his master was busy sulking he took advantage in what he could get.
It'd been a long disappointing day but really Kon couldn't bring himself to sleep or relax yet. He didn't know if he would be able to any time soon either. "We used to fight all the time. When he first found me outside of Cadmus he didn't want anything to do with me." He couldn't help but remember the past, they'd come so far. "I actually thought he finally wanted me. Nobody really did. I was angry at all of them. They treated me like I was just a ticking time bomb. A Luthorcorp experiment with unpredictable powers before." He reached out to pet Krypto. "I could hardly tell a lot of the time if Clark even liked me. Only recently when I left home did any of them really start to treat me like I was one of them then I got pulled here and had to start all over with three different versions of Clark." He wanted to hit something, but he also didn't want to break his own things.
"Every time I tried. We got close and he went away. If the seal brings another one.." He paused and the corners of his lips tightened slightly. "I don't know if I can do it again."