Who: Kon and Allana What:Dealing or not dealig with loss. When:Sometime at somewhere. With stuff. Where:Kon's place. Warnings:tba!
He'd spent all day looking for Clark with Barry and Allana's help. He was determined to spend all night doing it too if he had to. He wasn't gone. Kon just couldn't accept it. He'd finally gotten the relationship he'd always wanted with Clark, to lose him would just be too much. He would be alone. That idea terrified him being without Clark. Clark told him that he wouldn't go anywhere and would always be there for him. Logically he knew Clark didn't control the seal, but it didn't make it hurt less. Clark had made his share of mistakes, but that hadn't meant that Kon didn't want him there. He wanted him there more then anything.
"He's pretty good at hiding when he doesn't want to be found." Kon said hopefully as he could while he paced his apartment in his new uniform. "Remember? he hid for like two weeks that one time.." He folded his arms and looked down at Krypto who was trying to follow him around and eventually just tripped over himself instead. Kon didn't smile, he hadn't done anything funny all day. He just couldn't bring himself to pretend to be happy with the sick feeling he felt in the pit of his stomach that said Clark was gone. It meant in this world he was the last Kryptonian. He didn't have Clark to go to for advice or the occasional distraction he didn't have any blood family at all. That scared him. He'd never not had that in some form or another.
Krypo got up to nudge his hand and Kon looked down at the dog with worried blue eyes then over at Allana. "I haven't checked his apartment yet. I can't." Finally he at least forced a smile and ran a hand nervously through his dark hair. Without Clark was a thing he didn't know how to cope with and it was showing but he really didn't care. "I was so mad at him before." His voice trailed off as he knelt down beside Krypto and stroked his ears.