WHO: Adam Milligan with appearances by dead!Mel and a Crossroads Demon. WHAT: Adam's freaking out due to Dead Girlfriend Syndrome. So how do you fix this? Sell your soul, of course! WHEN: Not long after the Mel Dies narrative and Adam's OMG post takes place during the narrative. WHERE: All over the place. Complex, graveyard, crossroads... WARNINGS: Um. Blood and deals.
Adam woke up to one of worst things he'd ever seen. Laying just a few feet from him was Mel. Normally? Not such a bad sight. The whole waking up with her and stuff. That was fine. Awesome even. But it was a completely different feeling when you were on the pavement downtown, in pain due to being knocked out for God knows how long, and a few feet away from you lies your girlfriend, head turned vaguely towards you with a glassy eyed stare. And lots of blood. All around her.
"No," Adam said to himself, eyes going round once it dawned on him . He sat up much faster than he should have, then made his way over to her much faster than he should have. Yeah, he was hurt, but he was also really friggin' determined to see if there was anything he could do for her.
The little bit of pre-med schooling he'd been through came in handy. Unlike most of those people on TV, Adam actually thought to check for a pulse first. Panicked, he pressed his fingers first to her throat, then to her wrist. Nothing. No pulse, no breathing, nothing. But he wasn't done yet. It didn't matter to him that he was sitting there in a pool of her blood, he was willing to try CPR anyway. It didn't work of course, but still. Adam thought there had to be something he could do, even though realistically he knew she was dead and he was one of the least supernaturally-versed people in town.
But that was when an idea hit him. And okay, yeah. It was one of those things that everyone in his family screamed about how stupid people who did it were, but it could save her, right? He had to try. There was nothing else around there he was good for, after all.
But he couldn't do it there. Adam was pretty sure he was going to need stuff for it--a book from the complex library that gave you any book you were after at the very least--and he couldn't just leave Mel laying there. So, still somewhat panicked, yet determined to fix what was obviously his screwup somehow (he should have been able to stop those demons, dammit!), he scooped Mel up and carried her back to his car. He got her secured into the passenger seat, even going as far as buckling her in and everything, before climbing into the drivers seat and taking off quickly back towards the complex.
Once there he carried her to the medical floor, thankful he didn't see anyone around on the way there, and that the only person there was that kinda weird doctor guy, but he gave him the bare minimum of details before bolting out of there, refusing to let the doctor look at him as well. Before heading back down to the library he used his phone to punch out a quick message on the boards to let everyone know what happened, then headed towards the library.
The book the library supplied for him said he'd need to find a picture of himself, some graveyard dirt, the bone of a black cat, and a crossroads he could dig a hole in. Meaning not paved. Three of these four things shouldn't be a big issue--this was Kansas, he could probably just drive out of town somewhere and find a dirt road--but that bone, that would be the tricky one. And he wasn't positive he wanted to kill a cat. But then it hit him--his ex, who had disappeared since the breakup, was also a witch. And one that was good with potions at that. He figured it was slim, but maybe there was a chance she had a bone for some odd reason.
After forcing his way into her old apartment and giving it a good (what can only be called) ransacking he actually found a small vial that contained what he was looking for. Which was weird. Honestly, he didn't expect to find anything, but he didn't care. He found it, that was the important part.
Next he made his way to his apartment, ignoring the looks he got from a couple people, probably because of the fact that, you know. He had blood all over him. But hey, it couldn't be that weird considering all the shit the complex people have seen day in and day out. That was probably why no one tried very hard to stop him. Once he got to his apartment he picked up a picture of himself that someone had taken. He didn't really care too much about being sentimental over it just then, he had it and that was the important part. Finally he grabbed a shoebox, put the bone and the picture inside, then headed back downstairs.
He knew there was a shed of tools and shit out back, so he quickly grabbed a shovel before heading back to his car.
His first stop was at a graveyard. It wasn't a big one with guards or anything, thankfully, so he was able to get one quick scoop of dirt from there to dump in the box with the other items before climbing back in his car and heading out of town.
It was a good half hour out of Lawrence before he found an exit that seemed like it'd lead to some dirt roads. Half lost, he was glad when he finally found one. Adam quickly pulled the car to a stop before climbing out, box under one arm while the shovel was held tightly in the other. Digging the hole wasn't quite as easy as he thought it would be--the dirt was packed down tightly due to the traffic over the years and there were rocks every few inches, but finally, the hole was dug and the box was buried.
Unsure of how long it would take for the demon to show up, or if one would even show up at all, he took a seat on the hood of his car and waited, eyes locked on the mound of dirt that sat dead center in the crossroads.
Quicker than he expected, Adam heard a voice behind him.
"You rang?" There was a brunette standing not far behind him, perking a brow at him.
"I want to make a deal." Why bother trying to skirt around things? Adam knew what he was after, he knew the exchange. "One of you freaky demons killed my girlfriend tonight. Melinda Halliwell. She lives, I give you my soul."
The demon made a few quips about the situation, mentioning how his family never seemed to be willing to just let someone stay dead when they were killed, but Adam didn't care much. He didn't even really question it when he was told that he'd have one more month to live in exchange for her life. For all he knew a month was standard. So he accepted the deal and did as the demon chick asked before getting back in his car and heading back towards Lawrence (thank god for GPS). It wasn't until he could see the city lights that he finally let himself start to feel again.