Melinda Halliwell (![]() ![]() @ 2011-06-12 00:30:00 |
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Entry tags: | adam milligan, melinda halliwell |
Who? Melinda Halliwell and a Random Demon (Adam's in there somewhere too, but his ass is knocked out.)
What? One of the demons didn't quite listen to Ava and took things...just a wee bit too far.
Where? Out, in the street downtown.
When? Tonight!
Rating? PG-13? R? Kinda higher than usual.
Mel had been worried about Adam recently. She hadn't really understood what was going on with him, she wasn't going to lie about that. But she got it a little better after the whole truth thing. That really gave her some insight into things. Despite that she knew that him sitting in his apartment and doing nothing was pointless, it was as good as laying down and good as giving up the chance at life that he had right now. She didn't want him to do that, hell, nobody wanted Adam to sit in his apartment and waste his life away like that. He may not have realized it but there were so many more people that cared about him than he knew. Mel, his brothers, even Mary cared about him. He just couldn't see it because he was being an idiot. Yes, Mel was a-okay with calling her boyfriend and idiot at times. Either way, when he had started coming out of his shell a bit it had been a good thing. Asking her if she wanted to come over and hang was a step in the right direction. She hadn't expected much, but he'd given her more progress than she'd ever thought he would in such a short amount of time. Flirting, eating, all of it was a good sign.
That was how they'd ended up on this date night. It wasn't a bad thing by any means. Nope, Mel thought it was probably really good for him to get out and get fresh air. She wasn't hoping for miracles, but she knew that getting him out was a good step, yet again. He'd already been surprising her. He was good at that from time to time.
That was why they were walking down the street downtown; they were walking toward Adam's car. Mel hadn't been wearing anything fancy. She looked good, though. They'd been walking along, and minding their own business, talking between themselves when they were spotted. Mel definitely hadn't been aware of anything. Since the whole bug invasion things had been fairly calm, so she hadn't had a reason to be worried. She hadn't been on her guard. Then again, Mel had an amulet. She had the same one that every other person that came to the complex had. Not only that she had powers, so she didn't really fear demons, but then again she had never faced these kinds of demons. She knew the kinds of demons where she was from, and she sure as hell wasn't afraid of them. That was a problem, really. She compared the two and had confidence that she should have had. That was an issue that she didn't know she had at all. She was going to find out, though.
The demon ring leader had been one of those that Ava had manipulated, one that had been lovingly petted by her, had her instructions. AT first it had followed the instructions given. The demon had a host. A male host that had a knife. He was unassuming for the most part, a native. He had absolutely nothing to do with the seal, which made him perfect. The demon had been wandering around in the meatsuit doing exactly as asked...causing distractions and spreading the trouble. He'd ditched a gun not long ago, but that had only been necessary because he'd run out of bullets, knives were still more than useful, though. The others....well, they didn't really matter as much, but they'd all met up. And they were causing chaos. Worse than the robbery. Because a group together....well they were having a blast!
The group demon had been taking alleys and that's how he'd stumbled across something....just absolutely too good to pass up. B There she was. It wasn't Ruby, but they were identical. It was like looking at a clone. Or a mirror. Either way it didn't matter! She was just too good to pass up. Why would they pass up on this. It wasn't the real thing, but damn if it wasn't close. She probably wasn't as tough as Ruby but it sure didn't matter to any of them. Her company now....that was another matter, he was taking things a little too far...maybe. He was easy to get out of the way and then she was free game. It was going to be so much fun.
Winchester, or whatever he was calling himself. He was too close to that family to even think about touching. No, the Winchester wouldn't be harmed, but she must have been free game. By the looks of the two they were dating, it seemed. They were walking close, they were talking. They were blissfully unaware that danger was lurking just in the alleyway they had passed. It was so easy. It only took a moment to knock the Winchester bastard out. There were several of them, it wasn't even a task, he didn't have any idea they were there. They were swift and he was out of the way so quickly that Mel didn't even know what had happened at first.
One second Adam was there and the next second there was a flurry of activity. It all happened so fast. Before she could even react Mel was thrown against the side of a building. And damn it didn't feel good, but it only stunned her for a moment. It only took a moment to see the group that had gathered. Mel was trained. She knew how to handle demons. In her world, and that didn't mean shit here. Sure, she knew some of the theory.... AT the moment all of the new information that hadn't always been in her head flew out one ear and somewhere out in left field. She automatically threw her hands out, giving the gesture that she was so accustomed to. Sure, it definitely caused damage to one demon, but it wasn't going to do enough in this situation. It just wasn't. There were so many of them, and destroying the hosts....didn't mean jack shit.
Freezing did nothing better, it didn't even work long enough for her to get anywhere. She got halfway to Adam when the bastards unfroze and came at her. It was all happening so quickly. There went that slamming against the wall thing again. And this time it wasn't physically. And it hurt, even though Mel was used to getting hurt from time to time. They weren't nice about what the did.
Nope, they were violent, and it was torture. That knife that one of the demons came in handy. Her screams didn't change any bid about what they were doing, nor did her attempts at using her powers, in fact they just made it all the much better. She was strong, she fought, she struggled. The final cut, the final blow....the fatal came from the ringleader. And he grinned as he did it, looking Mel right in the eyes.
By the time they were done with Melinda her blood was on the sidewalk, and there was quite a bit of it. They didn't make it quick, which almost pissed her off, if it weren't for the pain that were running through her. Nope, they left her there, dying, slipping off slowly. She could taste that tangy metallic flavor on the back of her tongue, she could feel the wetness and the sidewalk under her. She was struggling to breathe, and that was all she could focus on. Even as they laughed and snickered, skipping off. Fuckers.
And as Melinda Halliwell slipped off into the darkness, her head fell to the side, her eyes open, and a blood trail going down her chin....her eyes fell on Adam Milligan. She'd be the first thing he saw when he woke up.
[OOC: It sucks, but it's my narrative, so :p. Happens before this post.]