Who: Kon, Allana, Cade, Clark, basically anyone at Cades house! What: stupid boy was stupid and did not go to the doctor. When: Tonight. Where:Cade's house. Warnings: TBA!
Kon had so many worries for a kid his age. Add ontop of that a trip to the doctor he wasn't supposed to visit, and he was a virtual wreck. Fortunately he didn't have very long to panic and run away. The poison in his system had been there over night, festering and causing all kinds of problems internally. Kon had been unaware. He told Clark he didn't bleed very much, and it was true. By the time he, Allana, and Burt had gone their separate ways at the complex the wound he'd received was already healed and gone. He took it as a sign and shrugged it off. Only when he'd gotten into his apartment did he realize that his jacket was stained in blood. It was odd and a little worrisome, but Clark had told him the wound was gone. It should be fine. He'd gone to sleep thinking he'd wake up rested and strong in the morning. It was completely the opposite.
When he woke up in said morning everything was hazy. Opening his eyes had been a daunting task. Staying awake for Clark and Allana was next to impossible and eventually he caved to the sleep that threatened. He slept the entire flight to Cade's, and then even longer while the healing process went on. It was nearly midnight when his eyes finally opened and he got a blurry look at his new surroundings. The last thing he remembered was face planting the keyboard but his computer wasn't near by. He shifted and stirred, his hand reaching to attempt to scrub the sleep from his eyes.
He was disoriented and his body felt like a brick. Kon wasn't the type to be slow and sluggish, as he constantly reminded Allana. His super speed was a prized attribute to him. The fact that he felt like he couldn't even move his arm was troubling. His adrenaline shifted into high gear and he attempted to sit up. The world around him spun out and protested.