Leo Wyatt (faithinthem) wrote in wariscoming, @ 2011-02-04 13:47:00 |
Entry tags: | felicia hardy/black cat, leo wyatt |
Who: Leo and Felicia
What: Less than graceful save
Where: Random sidewalk
When: Mid-morning
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete
The bad weather had rolled through but it had left the wind behind. As another strong gust kicked up, Leo hunched his shoulders, sliding his free hand in the pocket of his coat and the other tightening around the Styrofoam cup of coffee, the heat from the liquid inside warm against his palm. Born and raised in San Francisco, the temperature had rarely gone this low when he was a mortal. As a Whitelighter, he'd had a few charges in colder climates and although technically dead, the chill still sunk in from time to time. Once he found a less public place, he'd be orbing back to the complex.
Up ahead, a middle-aged woman spoke rapidly on her phone, moving the bag laden hand not holding the phone as she spoke. He paid no attention until her foot landed on a patch of ice and both arms went out as she fought to stay upright. Acting without thinking, he quickly moved forward, trying to help the woman maintain her balance. As his hand landed between her shoulders to keep her from slipping back as she started to tilt, his foot landed on the same ice patch. The treads of his sneakers lacking a good grip when it came to ice, his foot slid forward and he landed on his back on the sidewalk. The woman stayed up and looked over her shoulder, eyes wide.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She started to juggle her bags, attempting to find a way to empty a hand to help him up. Leo quickly shook his head.
"I'm fine, really," he protested, giving her a smile to reinforce his words. Really. It would take a lot more than a simple fall, although he was going to be feeling it later on that night. The woman stood over him, debating whether to take him at his word, until he pushed himself up on his elbows and sat up.
"If you're sure," she said, eyes narrowing slightly. Someone said something on the other end of the phone but she ignored them.
"I'm sure. Just be careful," he answered. With one last look, she turned and picked her way carefully down the sidewalk, resuming the conversation as she lowered her head to look for icy spots. Leo lifted his right hand, shaking off spilled coffee and slush. Most of it had ended up on the bottom of his shirt and right pant leg but there were a few brown flecks in the snow. "So much for that."