Who: Kitty and Booth. What: Kitty is upset and he told her to come over. Where: Booth's. When: Early evening Status: In-Progress
Kitty couldn't stop crying. She was sobbing because of what had happened. First, she had kissed someone other than Mike. She had thought it was him, but evidently he was someone that shared the same face. Second, Mike was upset with her. He wouldn't talk with her. He would barely answer her. Then, to top all of that off that asshole....decided that he had to jump in and joke that she was a whore. Well, Kitty didn't find that funny. She felt horrible. She didn't like being called names at all. She didn't deal with it well. This wasn't fair! She had thought she was kissing Mike. She wasn't quite sure how all of this had gotten so out of hand. She didn't like this at all.
Arguing over the comms wasn't going to get her anywhere. Booth was right in telling her to get off of them. It was hard to pull herself away, though. She didn't want to miss the chance to talk to Mike. She just wanted him to forgive her. It had been an accident. He knew that she cared about him. He had to know that.
He knew that, right?
Now, Kitty found herself doubting herself. She didn't like the feeling. What if this broke the two of them off complete? She had gotten used to Mike and she cared about him deeply. It wasn't fair that something like this could happen. Though, in the back of her mind there was also a few other thoughts. Why was Mike upset? Did he have the right? The two of them weren't defined. They weren't boyfriend and girlfriend. Mike had steered away from saying that. Maybe she should point that out, but right now she was too upset to follow that train of thought.
So, Kitty took the quickest way possible to get to Booth's. Rather than knocking, she walked right through his front door, sniffling, her cheeks red and blotchy, tears still falling from her face. "B-Booth?" She announced herself as she walked further in, reaching up to rub her nose.