Who? Dean and Adam What? Awkward newly-discovered-brothers bonding? Or, okay, beer and burgers, no promises on the bonding thing. Where? Adam's apartment When? This evening. Rating? ...nothing epic?
Dean could think of at least a dozen ways this could go horribly wrong. Or, okay, way more than a dozen, since there were a lot of totally random things that could just kind of happen that would probably be classified as horribly wrong, but he meant less with the random explosions and more awkwardness that would get out of hand and swallow them both whole.
Sure, he was trying to be optimistic about this - he really was. That was why he’d made contact in the first place - because it really wasn’t Adam he was upset with. About, yeah, but it wasn’t Adam's fault that Dad had kept him a secret, it wasn’t his fault their family was such a dysfunctional wreck - and before he’d known who the kid was, he’d thought he was a pretty okay guy, even though their interaction had been limited to the boards. So it might not go terribly, right?
But optimism only got him as far as the hallway before it completely disappeared and left him dealing with the choice between turning around and going to his own apartment, or continuing and dealing with how horribly uncomfortable this was going to be, how many different facets of wrong it was to be going to see a brother that wasn’t Sam... Dean was stubborn enough to keep going until he got to the right room, though; he’d already flaked out once, and he wasn’t about to do it again, especially not after he’d been the one to offer it this time around. So he knocked on the right door, shifting the pack of beer in one hand while he waited for the door to be answered.