He had gone silent, staring around his apartment and Anya inwardly narrowed down the things it could be this being Xander. There was a list. She followed his gaze and spotted the bunch of DVD's on the wall fixture before laughing in spite of herself. "You're imagining being Bond aren't you. Or at least him being here" she asked him. She would expect nothing less. Its possible she knew him too well. Or at least about his Bond fantasies. She'd fulfilled them before in the name of kinky fun. She'd never worked out why all the women had such silly names either. Nonetheless that meant he didn't know what to say. How to react to her, he was worried, and he hadn't completely liked what he'd heard. She hadn't thought he would. The things she'd done. The people she'd hurt and it had all been because her love for him had gotten her hurt. Men were complicated. Confusing. And Xander most of all. Vengence had definitely been easier.
"You did make me reverse it." she told him, remembering. "You appealed to my better nature and it worked. But then they started saying I was weak. The other vengence demons. They called me soft serve. Said there was no way I could get my knack for the job back and that it was sad because at one time I had been the best, and a man had changed me. I...went a little mad I think. Took vengence on those boys in that Fraternity. And the price to reverse it was...was Hallie." It had been her fault her friend was dead, there was no denying that, none at all. She nodded softly to Xander's sympathy. "You were right and I should have listened to you but you'd broken my heart. I couldn't think about anything but that."
She hadn't wanted to fight Buffy, or get stabbed, again. That had been less than fun. But the Slayer had had no choice and Anya understood that. "Buffy was being the Slayer. I'd expect nothing less, and it won't happen again. Back home I'm..." Dead. "I stayed and fought. I had to. It was the right thing to do wasn't it? Even with what happened?" She'd never thought she'd see him again to ask him any of this. She'd died. "I thought about you. Right at the end, I remember wondering would you be proud of me or cross with me for being so sloppy and inefficiant as to die." Anya drank down more of her beer, it was an awkward conversation to even consider with a Xander from when he was.
"I'm sorry I died" she told him. "I wanted to continue fixing us"