She hadn't meant to remind him of the unpleasentness. They were past that point by now at least from her point of view. But this was a Xander from before. A younger Xander, it was going to be complicated. There was a lot of working through issues he hadn't done yet and Anya had to remember that. But here she was sitting on his couch in a whole other dimension and there they were talking. It was all kinds of complicated and Anya was pretty sure she'd done this already. But it was strangely comfortable amid the awkward because it was Xander and he was always just so Xander about everything. Even if he didn't like some of the subject matter that was okay. They'd get through the talking and then they'd hopefully be in a good place.
She took the beer with a slight smile to her former fiance. He sat a little ways away from her, normal she remembered. "He had a great deal of style. I remember all of the dancing, he was a good dancer wasn't he, very light on his feet. Though I still say we had our moments what with all the tap." She'd sung another song that day she didn't much like to think about now. "Anyway yes, no complimenting demons. Complimenting former demons is of course perfectly acceptable because some of those are lovely and radient parts of your young mortal life" she told him jokingly. But joking wasn't what she needed to do here. No, she needed to have this conversation. The most unpleasent one. Involving murder.
"It started out being your fault, you made me reverse a wish. Just a normal wish and you convinced me with your Xanderness, I was punished for that and the other vengence demons made fun of me, so I heard of this Frat House, horrible boys, just horrible and well...I summoned something to kill them, all of them, a Grimslaw, and it was horrible, awful and I knew. I knew it was wrong but I did it to prove that I was still Anyanka but I wasn't any longer, not in my heart because you had my heart even if it was broken. I begged D'Hoffryn to reverse the wish, I said he could take me, thats how these things work Xander, life for life, but that was too easy thats what he thought and he killed Hallie and he made me human and thats how it happened." It wasn't an easy memory. "Buffy was going to kill me, and she'd have been right to, but I said after that, after Hallie that I'd use my mortal life better. Not be defined by anyone or anything and I think I've been doing that."
She hoped he didn't hate her, he hadn't before and she didn't think he would but it was awful, what she'd done. It was horrible. It was absolutely horrible and she knew it.