His apartment definitely had a Xander-like feel to it. There was a half-crafted shelf propped up in the far corner of the room, sitting alongside a pile of haphazardly strewn tools and materials. On the other side of the room, there was a DVD stand filled with Star Wars DVD's, copies of the old black and white Clint Eastwood-esque westerns Xander was so fond of, and literally every James Bond movie released to date. It wasn't the cleanest apartment in the building, but it wasn't horrendously filthy either. All in all, it was very Xander-y. The familiar feeling didn't make this any less uncomfortable. Xander kinda wished that something out there would, because right now he was torn between flailing stupidly and pushing himself to that weird, confusing rambly place. No one wanted to go to the weird, confusing rambly place. It was very unpleasant there.
Xander stared at her uncomfortably before he remembered that he had just offered to take the bag off of her hands. Xander reached over and pulled it out of her arms, shifting a little so that he was able to hold it to his chest with an arm. He opened his mouth to say something more than the awkward offer of taking away the heavy stuff she'd been carrying around, but Anya beat him to the punch.
Ah, well. It looked like he wasn't gonna have to worry about being the one to break out into the awkward, confusing rambly place after all. Anya had beaten him to it. "You seem better," Xander said, stepping to the side as soon as Anya moved for the couch. He shot her a confused sort of look when Anya moved inside, head shaking half out of confusion and half out of amusement as she went. She might have been in a weird, unpleasant place, but it was still ten times better than the last time he had seen her. At least she was talking to him now. And it was in a very Anya-like way. Awkward, yeah, but Anya-like. Which was good. Xander liked Anya-like things.
Xander set the bag on the coffee table in front of the couch and reached in to pull out it's contents. Chips and beer. Xander really did like when there were chips and beer. He peeled open a bag of sour cream and onion flavored chips when Anya began to talk about the anger. And the Spike sex. Xander dropped the chip he had been about to shove into his mouth back into the bag, suddenly feeling that craving for food go straight out the window. Spike sex. Spike and Anya sex. Xander couldn't help it - he made an unpleasant face, what with his mouth twisting to the side and his eyes dropping downward. The reminder, he found, was not a pleasant one. "Thanks for the reminder," Xander grumbled, decidedly going for the beer instead.
"Here," he handed Anya one, plopping down on the couch beside her. He didn't sit too close. Xander really wasn't too sure on boundaries at this point. Anya was being more civil than before though, so that was still better than nothing. Having her sitting beside him at all made for a big relief. Even if it was still weird. "He did kinda have style, didn't he?" Xander shot Anya the briefest look of amusement, before he waved a hand in the air and shrugged. "Bad style. Very terrible. I shouldn't be complimenting demons, 'specially not the one I summoned to make with the happy dancing that turned out wrong." Xander cracked his beer open and took a swig. "Can we go back to the vengeance thing? What was with the frat boy talk?" She didn't have sex with them too, did she? Because if there was any way to get vengeance on Xander - no, wait. She'd said vengeance on them. Okay, that was a little better. Sort of.