Well this was as wonderfully awkward as she'd expected. He didn't really do anything by way of hugs or even a handshake. She'd have expected at least an awkward confused handshake from him. It would have made this easier maybe. As it was he took the bag from her and moved to let her into the room. It wasn't a bad place, fairly similar to hers but with a decided Xander'y feel to it. Even if it was all strange and awkward now. She wasn't sure what to make of that at all. She'd gotten past those bad feelings, she'd lost a friend because she'd been so confused and scared and D'Hoffryn had taken advantage, and she'd come out stronger for all the horribleness she'd endured. But Xander didn't know that. He remembered the bitter angry vengence demon she had let herself become all over again.
"I got better." she blurted, not very good at the subtle, she never really had been as it happened. "I mean, there was vengence, and unpleasentness and a demon and Frat Boys I took vengence on. But I can explain about that when we're sitting down with the beers and the chips and talking adultly about such things. And even if Adultly isn't a word I feel it should be for the description of all of this." She moved of her own accord, without any invite over toward the couch and sat down on it, more worried than anything else about how she was possibly going to phrase any of this.
"It's complicated Xander, and I know how you remember it. I know how angry I was, I know about the Spike sex not being the healthiest of ways to make me feel better about myself. But at the time it seemed appropriate. I suppose it equates to you and Faith when you did the proverbial teen hormonal nasty." she theorised. "Do you want to get beers and sit down too, the awkward standing is making me uncomfortable. ...Times like this I wish we could sing our fears and worries at each other in a breakaway pop fashion. Scary as the experiance was, the demon had style."