There was a future Anya. A future Anya that was here in this universe. With him. Again with the here. Okay, not literally, but she was coming by to talk. So it would be literal eventually. A very soon eventually. Nerves on end, Xander flopped back against the couch that he'd been sitting on. He had tried turning the TV on to distract himself, but it was useless. He couldn't get his mind off of her. Anya had been here once before, but her time had been brief and she had been far too bitter with him for him to be around. This Anya...she was different. Warmer, yet so strange to talk to at the same time. It didn't help much that Xander had found out that Anya had died. His stomach twisted into painful knots at the mere thought of someone killing her. Not your fault, she had said. Except it was, wasn't it? She was his to protect. Had. Had been his to protect until he screwed things up with the wedding. Anxiously, Xander twisted his fingers together. How was he supposed to react to all of this? One half of him wanted to get angry, to panic, to do everything but sit here, on this stupid couch, and go about things with the annoying route of feeling useless. That future had already happened. Anya had already died. He couldn't change that -- yet, if he could back home, he could -- but he was still upset about it. Why wouldn't he be? It was Anya who had died. He was proud of her for staying to fight the First, but there was a very large part of himself that wished she would have fled instead.
She wouldn't have though. Something had changed in her. Something Xander really didn't understand.
A sharp knock erupted from the door as Xander reached for the remote to change the channel. Anya. It was Anya. He definitely recognized the knock, even after all this time. Tapping the off button for the TV, Xander hopped off the couch and immediately made way for the door. What was he going to do when he got there? Hug her? Flash a smile? Offer her a handshake?
A handshake. Right. That was real smooth.
"I got it," Xander called through the other side of the door, pulling it open as soon as he managed to do away with the locks. He went with the smile when he found himself looking at her. Funnily enough, the first thing Xander noticed was that her hair was different. Weird thing to notice when you were facing your ex-fiancee for the first time since the failed wedding. "Hi." He stood awkwardly for a moment. Right. Heavy bag. "Lemme get that," Xander started, already reaching for the bag.