War Is Coming RPG.

April 1st, 2013

April 1st, 2013

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Who: Marguerite Blakeney (Narrative or OTA)
What: Angry singing/thinking
When: Early afternoon, 1 April 2013
Where: Music room in the complex
Warnings: AF for Angry Frenchwoman.

I'm through accepting limits, cause someone says they're so )

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Who: Andy and Anakin
What: Drinking, chat and drinking
Where: In the bar
When: Sunday
Rating: TBD

He wasn't thinking about chocolate )

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Who: Tinker Bell and Claudia Donovan
What: Tinks Arrival
When: Evening of April 1st
Where: On the side of the road in the middle of Lawrence
Warnings: Tink is sad and scared.

to find Neverland all she needed to do was to follow the second star to the right and straight on til morning )
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