War Is Coming RPG.

March 22nd, 2013

March 22nd, 2013

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Who:Much and Marian
What:Thoughts post discovering their fates on the internets.
When:Late night of the 22nd
Where:Robin and Marian's flat.

Inside the heap of blankets he could almost pretend he'd said nothing stupid.  )

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Who: Peter Vincent and Robin Hood
What: Trying to deal with things, brooding and silence.
Where: The complex roof
When: the wee hours of the morning, Friday, March 22, 2012
Warnings: Brooding and mentions of emo-inducing things. Foul language.
Status: In progress!

The solitude the roof of the complex offered was something he couldn't pass up right now. )

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Who: Lois Lane
What: investigating things
Where: a stakeout on the streets of Lawrence
When: last night after her texts with Clark
Warnings: brooding, a little pile of self-doubting emoness

her anger wrapping around her like a security blanket so she didn’t have to focus on how much such a simple sentence had hurt her. )
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