War Is Coming RPG.

September 7th, 2012

September 7th, 2012

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Who: Damon Salvatore and Enigma
What: Meeting for coffee in the middle of the night
Where: A random 25hr coffeehouse in Lawrence
When: backdated - September 3rd in the wee hours of the morning
Status: Incomplete
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Who: Rachel and someone
What: Rachel wakes up in her pajamas in a diner of all places! WEIRD!
Where: some greasy spoon diner
When: around five o'clock September 7th
Status: incomplete
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Who: Penny and Oliver Queen
What: Tasty food and good company (aka lunch date)
When: back-dated for Thursday, noon
Where: Little China
Warnings: None anticipated
Status: In progress

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Who: Chloe Sullivan and Oliver Queen
What: Nightmares and talking
When: Friday night
Where: His room
Warnings: Definitely violence, possibly triggering/gory and definitely, you guessed it, angst.
Status: In progress

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