War Is Coming RPG.

July 19th, 2012

July 19th, 2012

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WHO: Henry and Belle
WHAT: Arriving in Lawrence
WHEN: this evening
WHERE: the library
WARNINGS: excessive cuteness? That's so a warning.

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Who: Edward Elric
What: Arriving in Lawrence
When: Thursday evening, around 8 PM
Where: A bus, near the infamous internet cafe
Warnings: Edo's foul mouth,

Wherever he was, it definitely wasn’t Central City. And now Al was nowhere to be seen, and Ed was starting to lose his temper. )

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WHO: Pamela Swynford De Beaufort
WHAT: Arriving in Lawrence
WHEN: This evening
WHERE: Graveyard
WARNINGS: Expletives. So high.

Blah blah vampire emergency blah. )
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