War Is Coming RPG.

February 10th, 2012

February 10th, 2012

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Who: Elphaba
What: Being blackmailed, watched 24/7 and having loved ones threatened takes a toll on a person's psyche. Just sayin'.
When: This afternoon
Where: The attic of Elphie's house
Warning: Angsting. Dear GOD the angsting.
Status: Narrative, complete

Grabbing her Grimmerie, Elphie sat down on her bed and for the fifth time that day, she paged through it as though the answer to all her problems were in it even though she knew it wasn't. )

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WHO: Johnny Storm and OPEN!
WHAT: Finally showing up because busy life is busy.
WHEN: This evening!
WHERE: A Lawrence street and sidewalk. Near stores.
WARNINGS: Johnny is cocky and very aware of how pretty he is. Aside from that? Eh, depends on who joins in, I suppose.

When Johnny Storm work up that morning he hadn’t exactly been expecting to show up somewhere he didn’t start out in. )
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