War Is Coming RPG.

December 26th, 2010

December 26th, 2010

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WHO: Spike & OPEN!
WHAT: How Spike celebrates Christmas.
WHEN: Christmas evening.
WHERE: A local bar.

Maybe later he'd be able to piss off one of the drunks. Have a few swings around the bar for his own twisted form of holiday cheer. He couldn't really help but brighten a little at the thought. )

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Who: Elena and Damon
What: Elena arrives in Kansas
When: Evening, sure, evening
Where: Random outskirts of town
Warnings: None at the moment
Status: In-Progress

Maybe it was a spell gone wrong )

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Who? Dean!
What? Running away to save the world?
Where? Various places, far from Lawrence.
When? Various, starting just after the notes were left this morning.
Rating? Not terrifying.

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