War Is Coming RPG.

November 9th, 2010

November 9th, 2010

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Who: Booth and open to anyone at his camp
What: being stressed and ragey
When: after he brings back Eliot and while the others are watching a movie.
Where: at the edge of the north side of camp
Warnings: R is for raaaaaaaage.

Without his faith, he wasn't sure who he was anymore.  )

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Who: Leon Kennedy and Gabriel
What: Traveling to the address he was given.
Where: Roof of a convenience store
When: Day after waking up in zombie hell, afternoon.
Warnings: TBD

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Who: Jack Landors and open to anyone at the Winchester camp.
What: brooding
When: today
Where: Around camp, he's getting restless.
Warnings: tba

He was constantly worried and trying to keep up appearances of being that guy with the funny comment or witty one liner )

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Who: Kitty Pryde and Mike Chang
What: They need to talk.
When: After Mike's arrival and testing to be sure he's human.
Where: Secluded area around the back of camp.
Warnings: None yet?

We need to talk. Aren't those words you just hate to hear? )

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Who: Parker and Eliot
What: Parker is wandering aimlessly and spots Eliot
Where: The Booth/Buffy camp
When: Right after Eliot gets to the camp
Warnings: Eh, not really. Just sort of sad.
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WHO: Caroline Forbes and Samcifer
WHEN: June 9 ; An hour after this
WHERE: Location known only to Samcifer and Caroline
WHAT: Sealing the deal
STATUS: Incomplete
RATING: TBA (but this is Samcifer)

Caroline was a monster. She knew it. Just because she was a monster didn’t mean she was missing her heart. It was there, deep, deep, deep down. )

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Who: Damon (Others if you want to jump in - Anyone)
What: Making a trade - blood for food
Where: On the streets in a safe zone, presumably
When: After his post on the com
Warnings: I’m so tired, so if somehow I missed something while proofing, I apologize.
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