War Is Coming RPG.

October 14th, 2010

October 14th, 2010

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Who: Bella Swan & Damon Salvatore
When: May 14, 2010
Where: Lawrence, Kansas
What: Bella ends up in Lawrence, Kansas without a clue as to how she got there. However, for the first time in a long time, she doesn't care about what's going on because she's happy. Then she meets Damon.
Ratings: PG-13

Happiness, her mind supplied helpfully to her. )

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Who:Buffy and Booth
What: Morning after cuteness.
When: Today.
Where: Booth's place
Warning: uh...."happy" plot. XDDD

he'd never felt so relaxed.. )

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WHO: Gabriel The Trickster, an NPC!demon, and Booth.
WHAT: One of Lucifer's demons has caught whiff of the crazy. Not wanting to get caught in the act by big brother yet, Gabriel destroys the demon and stops with the cheerfulness for one and all. Oh, and that Booth guy gets saved from said demon or something. Meh, Gabriel doesn't really care.
WHEN: Evening.
WHERE: A few blocks away from the FBI building.

There. One stinky, over-eager demon, stalking down one Seeley Booth. )
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