War Is Coming RPG.

October 9th, 2010

October 9th, 2010

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Who: Leon S. Kennedy and OPEN!
What: Arrival
Where: A random sidewalk in the town.
When: Early afternoon
Warnings: Possibly language?

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Who: Anya Jenkins and Xander Harris
What: They very much need to talk
Where: Xander's Apartment
When: A day or two after she arrives. Early Evening
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

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Who? Dean, Ruby, and Fluffball the cat
What? Meeting the kitten
Where? Ruby and Sam's apartment
When? This afternoon
Rating? Probably nothing serious, yo.

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Who: Buffy and not Angel Booth
What: Booth gets home from Philly and finds a teen Buffy. Awkward.
When: Sunday morning (slightly forward dated)
Where: community kitchen
Warnings: tba!

Air ports were the second worst places to be in the history of the world.The first place was the DMV. )
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