War Is Coming RPG.

May 12th, 2010

May 12th, 2010

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Who: Barbara Gordon and Xander Harris
What: Babs is being stubborn in her new apartment.
When: Evening, December 11, 2010
Where: Babs apartment and ?
Why: Because she's being stubborn, misses Xander and has sort of barricaded herself inside for the last 2 days.

It was as if... as if something had literally shielded the city from sight! )

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Who: Castiel, Dean Winchester. Conceivably open to others at Bobby's camp
When: Morning of May 12th
Where: Outside Singer's Auto Salvage
Warnings: TBA

If my wings should fail me, Lord, meet me with another pair )

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WHO: Zachariah and Dean.
WHAT: Meet the worlds biggest douchebag. No, it actually isn't Dean.
WHEN: Late afternoon.
WHERE: Lawrence, Kansas.
NOTES: Thread is definitely backdated.

Dean, Dean, Dean. The boy wonder, the chosen one extraordinaire, the reason the angels were going to get what they wanted when they wanted. )
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