War Is Coming RPG.

May 11th, 2010

May 11th, 2010

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Who: The Master
What: Reacting to the little adventure Zach sent them on. Two more innocent bystanders get eaten. Cuz the Master is HUNGRY. AND pissy.
When: Tonight after sunset
Where: Park on the outskirts of town
Warnings: PG-13 for eating people and general craziness
Status: Narrative, complete

ATTN: All those involved with the ongoing investigation of the mysteriously devoured people, this one is coming to you next! I want to apologize, the Master refused to give anyone much of a break from the craziness. :P

The drums of war were calling again. A rhythm of four, the heartbeat of a Time Lord )

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Who: Stephanie Brown and Ron Weasley
What: Ron decided to randomly go visit her.
When: Evening, December 10th.
Where: Bobby's place.
Warnings: Uh. Probably none. Will change if I need to.

Stephanie Brown (not Weasley, thanks) had never been to South Dakota before. )

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Who: Dexter Morgan and open
What: Arriving in a blink of an eye
When: Evening, May 11.
Where: Around the apartment area, maybe a little towards an alley near by
Warnings: TBA

This. This really wasn't right... )
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