War Is Coming RPG.

February 18th, 2010

February 18th, 2010

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WHO: Sam Winchester and OPEN.
WHAT: Hunting!
WHEN: Late afternoon.
WHERE: Outside of an office building. Lawrence, Kansas.

If there were demons infiltrating the city yet again, Sam wanted to be the first person to find them. He had quite a bit of venting to do. )

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Who: Virgil Hawkins and OPEN TO ANYONE.
What: Trying to forget all the blood.
When: Random Thursday morning
Where: Apartment complex kitchen
Warning: TBA but probably none!

He was a kid who copped with things by telling obnoxious jokes, and playing little games. But he couldn't see a joke out of this one. )

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WHO: Anthony Ceccoli. Narrative (unless someone wants to join!).
WHAT: Being thoughtful.
WHEN: Afternoon.
WHERE: Lawrence, Kansas; outside of the apartment building.

It felt a lot like when the Dollhouse had set him back into the word - he was alone. He didn't know where to go. He didn't know what to do. )

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Who: Tim, Clary, and Oliver. (posting order? )
What: Being let out of "time out".
When: The 18th
Where: the complex, whichever little corner closet Buffy and Clary put him in.
Warnings: Angst.

Tim felt a rush of cold gut wrenching guilt that nearly made him feel ill. He would never forgive himself if he killed Oliver )

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Who: Damien and Angela
When: Thursday, around 2pm
Where: Outside the complex
What: Sketches
Rating: PG
Status: In progress


Back to the drawing board... literally. )

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WHO: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
WHAT: A reunion. Probably an awkward one.
WHEN: Afternoon.
WHERE: The apartments.

She was still Hermione, right? )

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Who: Buffy and Dawn Summers
What: Getting Dawn back to the apartments
When: Right after her arrival post
Where: The street she landed on
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

it had almost been a year )
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