War Is Coming RPG.

July 25th, 2009

July 25th, 2009

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WHO: Martha Jones, Sam Winchester and Jaina Solo
WHAT: Rescuing the drunk Jedi
WHEN: After Jaina's comm.
WHERE: bars.
STATUS: In progress

When Martha had said she wanted something to do, this wasn't what she'd had in mind )

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Who: Ruby & Sam Winchester
What: A Date an actual...date
Where: Ruby's motel to start then a Resturant.
When: 8pm just like planned
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

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Who: Bellatrix Lestrange
What: She was having a perfectly fun time at Hogwarts!
When: Late evening!
Where: Hogwarts then the streets of Lawrence
Rating: High
Status: Complete, Narrative.
Note: As of this log, there is a very familiar symbol (to some) in the skies over Lawrence. Do with this info what you will!)

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Who: Rose Weasley and Draco Malfoy
What: Looking for the dead body
When: Backdated to last night, shortly after the Dark Mark was in the sky.
Where: Around Lawrence
Rating: PG-13, dead people
Status: Incomplete

And yet, here it was, darkening the skys )
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