April 3rd, 2017



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The Dark Lord defeated and order restored, the magical world began the long road to recovery after The Second Wizarding War. Friends and loved ones were lost and those who remained now faced a world that would never be the same. The Ministry of Magic faced a reorganisation and reformation that was slated to take years to complete.

For nearly a decade, there was a quiet that settled around the witches and wizards as they began to rebuild and to move forward with their lives. It was in that quiet, as the new year rolled in, that the first of those killed in the war returned. The good witches and wizards struck down by Voldemort began to awaken in the places where they died as if the moment had never occurred.

St. Mungo's began a series of tests and examinations on those who returned and found no injuries or maladies. Still the age they were when they perished, but otherwise healthy, it became necessary to look into the matter. With no explanation to this sudden phenomenon, the still disorganised Ministry began scrambling to find answers while making room for the returned. In an effort to assist those affected by the rising, Bethany Village was constructed to house and aid in the reintegration of the risen.

The Returned force the wizarding world to ask many questions but give very few answers. How will those who were left behind move on now? Will those who have Returned remain for the rest of their slightly stunted lives? How does one reintegrate themselves when everyone they love has spent the last decade — in some cases more — believing they were deceased? But, perhaps most of all, the question on everyone's mind is why is this happening?

Come join us in our quest for answers.

Mods of Lazarus

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When Darkness Falls: A Multi-City Supernatural RPG



When Darkness Falls is a multi-location original character role-playing game set in the iconic ciies of New Orleans, Louisiana and Boston, Massachusetts. The story began in November 2012 when supernatural beings were still hidden from the public, living alongside unsuspecting humans who were never the wiser. Werewolves, vampires, shape-shifters, gifted humans, and others struggled to keep their secrets, while still maintaining relatively "normal" lives.

In 2014 a group of humans, bent on exposing the supernaturals for what they are, began cropping up in cities across the globe including New Orleans and Boston. Their cause grew quickly, and despite resistance the supernatural community was exposed to the world in grand fashion.

In New Orleans the initial reaction was to condemn supernaturals, to lock them away and to keep their kind away from humans. This proved futile, however, as the supernaturals banded together and fought back. The war between the human and supernatural worlds did not last long, however, before the government began to intervene.

In Boston the news of the supernatural world was swallowed with a bit more ease, though unrest was soon apparent. While no fighting broke out there was a push to separate supernaturals from human beings for safety reasons, a movement that was quickly squelched out when the government stepped in to run the show.

Presently the world is still making a shift toward a new era, where supernaturals and humans can co-exist together in a world no longer segregated by lack of knowledge. There are those who still oppose this movement, though laws and regulations are now in place to protect the interests of all parties. While humans must learn to cope with the new world order, supernaturals must learn to adjust to no longer lurking in the shadows; darkness is no longer their ally.

Opened in November of 2012 and currently seeking new, active players for both New Orleans and our new city: Boston!