December 2nd, 2016



[No Subject]

[info]rivalry au/faux celeb community about two feuding music labels set in los angeles, ca

[No Subject]

Looking for New Romantics and other 'alternative' people to fill a new club opening in the new year. Original characters more than welcome - if you can get past the club's legendary door policy!

More brief details here.



[No Subject]

Every hero has a code...

In the near future, the Delos Corporation has opened the doors to the vacation of the future. For $1,000 a day, guests can enter into any one of their three fully immersive worlds: Medievalworld, Romanworld, and Westworld. Inside the parks, guests will not only get to dress and act the part, but they will get to full experience life inside another world. And older world.

Westworld has a non human population of over a thousand. That's over a thousand androids, ready to take the guests on untold adventures. Some dangerous. Some frolicking. Some sexual. The choices are all up to you. Will you be a dashing cowboy, out to save the local farmer's daughter from bandits? Or will you be the savage rogue, absconding with women and horses into the hills?

code by wearestardust @ supersuits