August 26th, 2016



Teen Wolf

Hi, I'm looking for a Derek Hale or Peter Hale. I'm looking for strong dominate versions of those characters that don't put up with Stiles' shit. I would love to write canon or AU lines for them. I have a lot of AU ideas. I love angst and slow build when it comes to a relationship with the characters. I won't mind playing on Insanejournal, AIM, email, google docs. You name it and I'm willing to play on it.

I'm looking for a long term, non flaky partner as role playing is my distraction from life and I need a lot of distraction.

Some ideas behind the cut. All of them are AU. )



Seeking games with animated PBs

Hi there, I'm looking for any game with animated PBs or no PBs at all. They're a bit rare, so anything anyone knows of would be appreciated!